Inspection Protocols
what to Expect from k9 scent detection
Bed bugs can be found in a variety of settings, not just in the home and not just in a bed! Bed bugs can feed at anytime of day or night, although they prefer nighttime. Our bed bug dogs can search an area, such as your workplace, church, school, in minutes. The canine team will pinpoint where one or more live bed bugs or viable eggs may be hiding. It can take a human hours to inspect the same amount of space that a dog can cover in a fraction of the time. Using a bed bug dog saves you time, money and pain!
Our specially trained K9 bed bug locators are specifically trained to locate bed bugs in all area of the house. When we arrive, the handler will guide the dog through each area where an infestation is suspected. In order for this to be effective we ask that you not socialize with the dog and keep all noise and human distraction to a minimum. You will need to adequately prepare for our arrival by following the simple steps outlined below.
fetching results from
puppy to k9

How to prepare for our arrival
Following these guidelines will ensure a successful scent detection service. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out and we’ll be happy to provide assistance or clarification.
- Rid all inspection areas of clutter. Simply make sure things are put in their proper places so nothing is knocked over broken or otherwise damaged.
- Vacuum all rugs, carpets,and floors,but do not use any deodorizers
- Remove food and toys from accesible areas
- Turn off AC/heates/ceiling fans 30 mins proir to our arrival
- Do not use any house hold cleaners at lest 3 hours prior to inspection
- No smoking in the inspection area at least 3 hours prior to inspection
- Remove all pets 3 hours prior to our arrival and cover tanks, terrariums and bird cagesĀ