Bed Bug 101
Fast and Accurate Inspections
Bed bugs are small parasitic insects that cause a number of health concerns such as skin rashes, allergic reactions, and psychological effects. Adult bed bugs are no more than ¼ of an inch in length, and immature bugs are virtually colorless and microscopic! Bed bugs are hitchhikers and can be easily carried from one place to another.
Our National Entomology Scent Detection Association (NESDCA) certified canines are expertly trained by industry professionals to detect live bed bugs and viable eggs only. Our Extensive training program generates quicker and more accurate results than traditional methods, teaching canines to pinpoint the exact are affected.
If your concerned you may have a bed bug infestation, early detection is vital to ensuring a small colony doesn’t grow into a massive infestation. With the help of our four legged friends at Pro K9 Plus you will receive fast and accurate results , saving you money during the treatment process.
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Pin Point Area of Infesation
Unlike humans, dogs have a keen sense of smell, which enables them to detect bed bug infestations that are not visible to the eye. Our canines are specifically trained to detect and pun point areas infested with bed bug colonies and viable eggs. Certified by the Certified by the National Entomology Scent Detection Association (NESDCA), we are qualified to serve residential and commercial customers alike:
Long-term Health Facilities
Management Comapnies